
Garrett Greer

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Garrett Greer

My Journey Through Writing

December 28, 2022

Garrett Greer

Garrett Greer

Here I walk through my path to attempting to be a writer of fiction.


A Journey

I fell in love with books at the age of 12. I read Matilda by Roald Dahl. I read the book all the way through from start to finish in one day. Staying up way too late. It was game on after that. I read all of Dahl's books then moved on to all of the Narnia books, which introduced me to fantasy which ultimately led to Tolkien, Eddings, Jordan, Rowling, and more books than I care to think about. I spent a lot of time in high school creating my own worlds. I never really tried to write. I don't think I was very good at it but I loved thinking up new worlds to live in and populate with interesting characters. This is something that has never left me and to this day I still do this almost daily without even thinking about it.